A beginners Guide to CBD

What Is CBD?

CBD, or Cannabidiol to use the full name, is the largest chemical compound in the cannabis/hemp plant and is believed to have a number of therapeutic uses.

Unlike the other well know compound of cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects.

Millions of people all over the world have reported relief from symptoms caused by nausea, seizures, migraines, anxiety, chronic itch, muscle pain, joint pain, depression, and many more long term and chronic conditions.

Generally, CBD products are sourced from three different raw forms of CBD:

  1. Crystalline CBD Isolate which has the appearance of salt crystals

  2. Full Spectrum CBD which is a golden and see through oil

  3. UNREFINED Full Spectrum CBD which is a very DARK, thick oil.

Crystalline isolate products are good because they have very little natural taste and absolutely no chance of causing a false-positive on a drug drug test as the CBD has been fully isolated from the THC which is the compound measured during a drugs test.

However, as it is an isolate, a lot of the nutrients of the original plant have been stripped so you often need to use more to get the full benefits of the CBD.

Full spectrum products less refined than crystalline isolate products and have a small amount of THC. THC can increase the effects of CBD and makes the product much more effective. This is commonly referred to as the “entourage effect.”

Whilst the effects may be better with full spectrum CBD, there is a small chance that you could fail a drugs test so this should be avoided if you are regularly tested at work or in your sport.

UNREFINED full spectrum CBD products also contain THC and they may also contain many other cannabinoids and nutrients such as CBN, CBG, CBN, CBDV, terpenes, plant sterols, omegas 3,6,9, etc.

As with other full spectrum CBD products, there is a small chance of failing a random drugs test and the product may taste ‘earthy’ if not flavoured correctly by the manufacturer.

How Does CBD Work?

Cannabinoids are naturally produced within our bodies and help to keep all of the systems in your body in balance.

Most animals have an Endocannabinoid System; its a relatively new discovery in the human and animal body and, a lot like the nervous system and immune system, the Endocannabinoid System has specific functions.

The Endocannabinoid System regulates homestasis which is the regulation of all the bodily systems and has an effect on mood, memory, motor control, pain perception, appetite, and sleep, just to name a few.

Sometimes the Endocannabinoid System needs to be reset or re-balanced. This can be caused by injury, disease, or ageing all of which can cause us to be deficient in cannabinoids as this is where supplementing your diet with CBD products can help.

The hemp / cannabis plant contains over 100 various phyto-cannabinoids of which CBD is the most prevalent. These cannabinoids naturally stimulate the Endocannabinoid System and bring your body back in to balance.

How Much CBD Should I Take?

How many more little soldiers do you want to give your body? Well, there’s never too much, it’s like drinking herbal tea or eating fruits and vegetables. You can’t overdose on drinking plenty of healthy tea or eating plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables. Problems arise when you are not eating enough of them.

You can’t really overdose on CBD; plenty of it is good, too little is not good…. but it is important to know how much CBD to use for your particular requirements.

There are several guides that will compare tour weight to the severity of your condition, but as a general rule, start with a lower dose and build it up should you feel you need too.

Increasing the dosing like this also minimises the risk of side effects such as nausea and upset stomach which a very small number of new users of CBD do report.

You can increase or decrease the amount of CBD you use depending on how you feel and how well it is helping to alleviate your symptoms.

For example, 2-3 drops 30 minutes before bedtime may help an individual with sleep issues whereas an individual with chronic pain may take 2-3 drops 5 times every day or whenever the pain arises.